About Us

Proudly serving the desert empire for over 20 yrs. Desert Tree Spraying is a professional company that provides a variety of comprehensive services to keep trees and plants staying healthy and strong for the long term, years to come. The landscaping completes the beauty of the surrounding and we take great pride on being a part of that with our work. Customer referrals have always been our driving force for new business growth and will continue to do so. With this new website we are encouraging residential, commercial or agricultural prospects to give us a try and see for yourself. We may not have the big titles, the most expensive equipment or the longest fleet, but the one thing we do have are the happiest customers.





About Us

Proudly serving the desert empire for over 20 yrs. Desert Tree Spraying is a professional company that provides a variety of comprehensive services to keep trees and plants staying healthy and strong for years to come. The landscaping completes the beauty of the surroundings and we take great pride on being a part of that with our work. Customer referrals have always been our driving force for new business growth, and will continue to do so. With this website we are encouraging residential, commercial or agricultural prospects to give us a try and see for yourself. We may not have the big titles, the most expensive equipment or the largest fleet, but the one thing we do have are the happiest customers.





How it all began


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Providing tree and plant care treatment programs to keep trees and plants healthier and more vibrant